Reinforcement of the institutional capacities of the M. of Transport for the development of a Large Scale Port

The objective is to evaluate whether it makes sense to create a large-scale port in the Central Zone of Chile that will accommodate new generation ships given the expansion of the Panama Canal.

After establishing a route optimization and efficiency methodology for the Central Zone ports, it was concluded that a large-scale port located in San Antonio is operational.

Technical details

Participating entities: Inter-American Development Bank and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Time period: 2015-2016.

Researchers and Associate Personal

Lourdes Trujillo(IP), Marianela González, Casiano Manrique de Lara, Dolores Santos, Alba Martínez, Manuel Herrera, Jorge Pérez, José M. Grisolia, Ivone Pérez and Federico Inchausti.

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