FEDEA Talks: The evaluation of public policies in Spain

Fedea dialogue number 10 on the evaluation of public policies in Spain, with the participation of Ginés de Rus (ULPGC, UC3M and Fedea) and Alfonso Novales (UCM and ICAE), and moderated by Jorge Onrubia (UCM-INTEI and FEDEA).

The evaluation of public policies is an essential tool, both in its ex -slope and ex post, to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency. Although art. 31.2 of the Spanish Constitution requires that the programming and execution of public spending respond to efficiency and economy criteria, the evaluation experience, after different regulatory initiatives, can be considered quite disappointing, in view of the best practices compared. The need for an effective reform of the evaluation has charged in recent times a remarkable impulse, to a large extent explained by the need to successfully manage the resources destined for the recovery, transformation and resilience plan. The purpose of the dialogue that we will maintain in Fedea is to analyze the content of the recent Law 27/2022, of December 20, of institutionalization of the evaluation of public policies. Specifically, we will discuss the potential and limitations of the institutional model by which it has been chosen in this Law. In addition, based on the approved design assessment, the participants will present their proposals to improve the public policy evaluation framework in Spain.

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